Venuemax is an online booking management system to book or block the venues and vendors through an online portal.
Vendors can signup at https://www.venuemax.in/partner-signup . Our team will respond immediately to capture the details for on-boarding you onto our site.
Listing on our site takes a maximum of 5 working days or less if all the required documentation is complete and as per our company standards.
We do not have a hard and fast rule in terms of listing vendors. In addition to the below listed, any other category of vendors pertaining to a different business are allowed to contact us Photographers, Musicians, Caterers, DJ, Event Managers ......
Function halls, Banquet halls, Open lawns, Terrace Gardens, Convention halls ......
Baseline rates and seasonal discounts details are captured from the venue managers / vendors. Based on that data and in agreement with our partners, dynamic pricing is displayed on our site.
Any page edits will go through a review process by the Venuemax team to ensure the quality of content displayed on our website
No. Tabs are provided to Venue managers with a pre-installed Venuemax bookings application. That application will handle both online and offline bookings without any conflict
We assure no-conflict bookings but in case there are any, it will be handled on a case by case basis.
Yes, our team will collect customer satisfaction data through multiple channels. The venue or vendor in question will be observed for few months before delisting. Some factors could be -
  • if our distinguished partner doesn't comply to our company standards
  • if the user experience is not satisfiable
  • if the venue or vendor continuously receives a low user rating.

VenueMax.in - Connecting Celebrations

Dream and Live your best moments with us.

The beauty of life lies in celebrating every moment of it. Celebrations, form those integral, timeless and precious possessions of our memories. It is a blessing to have people join you in the best ways to give celebrations a new meaning.

Venuemax.in joins hands to make your every occasion a happy one. Planning and celebrating an occasion is lot easier when Venuemax.in finds a place in your books. It is a one stop solution for all your occasion needs. We are an “Indian Events” based website offering a consolidated-on hand information about venues and vendors needed to celebrate an event. Choose from a wide range of venues available across the region and know the availability of days/dates by just one click. An online booking calendar reflects the available, blocked and booked dates for each venue and facilitates you to make the best choices. Now, the finest of the banquet halls to the most happening function halls can be booked online.

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Wishing you Happy Moments!

Register as a User Register as a Vendor

Venue Category:

Function Halls | Banquets | Convention Centres

Vendor Category:

Caterers | Event Organisers | Invitation Cards | Make-up artists | Photography | Music & DJ | Decorators | Gift Stores | Designers | Pandits | Mehandi Artist | Event Managers | Security & Bouncers



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